Monday, December 14, 2009


welllll i got to level 49 in modern 2 hmmmm not much else goin on..... uhhhhh psshhhhh yep thats it

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

max's update

hello> not really working on much at the moment. i finished my s-curves project and might touch it up a little but besides that i dont have any projects that im working on. i hope to go to wisconson soon again because every time i go i seem to get alot of good pictures! also now that it has snowed ill probly go get some sweet snowy pictures!!! ssswwweeeet....

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009


last weekend i did a photoshot using a halogen light and a black backdrop. the shot involved s-curves. i shot pictures of smoke and of two models. next week im going to wisconson to my cabin and hpefully ill get some good nature pictures.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Critque me

Mongooses update

I have been working on modern warfare two. therefore there is no time for photography. bt previously i was doing a photoshoot with my friends and i plan to make a scrap/photo book of the pictures.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009


Im Max a student at plainfeild centeral high school and am creating this blog for a project. My photographic theory is to photograph the natural world and bring out the vivid colors and organic shapes of nature. Nature photographers take pictures to let people who can’t explore the world’s beauty to appreciate it just as much as we do. When I call myself a nature photographer I feel like it might not be true; I also love to photograph me and my friends’ parkouring. And I also really enjoy good architectural symmetry in a picture. So I don’t think I have been experimenting with photography for long enough to really know what my photographic theory is. At the moment in class we are working on a project involving the 10 compositional rules of photography and we are to edit our photos in a way so that it looks like an older process of developement.